Hi, ladiesand gentlemen.
Due to the huge number of requests for Peter Obi's flyer design customization that
we've had in the last few days, we've decided to create something that would make it easy for everyone to acquire theirs.
How to Use:
2nd Edition Design
1. Go to the link >> https://getdp.co/grT <<
2. Log in or select "I'd rather not" from the drop-down menu.
3. Scroll down and click on the empty circle to insert your image.
4. Then, Select Generate My DP, click Download.
5. If you have not gotten your 1st Edition flyer
Click 👉https://getdp.co/grU
Insert your name and image After click Download
You may Tag us on Fb@OKEYDESIGN when posting😊
NB : you can still hit us up to get the Customized Flyer that has Name with no Background ( +2347065268001)
Let's Take back Our Nation with #PeterObi
Your Support is really Appreciated!