How to Prepare and Pass WAEC Examination 2024

 I'll show you how to prepare for and pass your WAEC and NECO exams in one sitting once and for all. I am confident that these suggestions will assist you in passing your JAMB and first-year exams.

The West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) is a national examination. It is intended for students from West African countries. The National Examination Council (NECO) is only for Nigerian students.

Senior secondary students must pass either the WAEC or NECO exam. For admission to a university or polytechnic, you must have your SSCE results.

How to Pass WAEC Examination Excellently

Here are some pointers to help you prepare for and pass your WAEC exam with flying colors:

Understand the WAEC Exam Format

Knowing the format of an examination is the first step in preparing for it. It is vital to understand the exam format as well as how to solve difficulties.

You must also know the exam's number and subject combination. You must register for at least six and no more than nine subjects in WAEC.

For Science, Art, and Commercial students, English is a must.

The WAEC test is made up of both theory and multiple-choice questions. Students in science take the WASSCE practical exams in physics, chemistry, and biology.

I recommend that you follow your secondary school teachers' instructions. To acquire more information about the WAEC exam format, ask questions.

Study with The WAEC Syllabus

The key to getting a high result on the SSCE exam is to study the WAEC syllabus. You must study topics from the West African Examination Council (WAEC) syllabus.

Students can use the syllabus as a guide to reading subjects that will be covered in the exam.

Studying outside of the syllabus guarantees failure. Only the topics in the syllabus must be read.

Every school, by default, follows the WAEC syllabus from SSS 1 to SSS 3. It is advisable to check over the curriculum to ensure that no topics are missed during your studies.

The WAEC curriculum is a blueprint for how you should study. You'll know which topic to read first before moving on to the next, for example.

Create A Study Timetable

For you to do well in the exam, you must create a flawless study schedule. Each day must have a distinct subject assigned to it. You could, for example, choose to study Physics on Monday, Chemistry on Tuesday, and so on.

Your daily study schedule should not include numerous topics that you are unable to read.

Make a study program for yourself that you can stick to every day.

Read at a pace that you are comfortable with. You should not be intimidated by your friend's ability to read five topics every day. When you don't know your reading capacity, don't use this technique.

The first individual to complete the syllabus will not be rewarded. The only thing that matters is that you pass your examinations with flying colors.

Start your preparations early enough to cover the entire syllabus, regardless of your reading speed.

 Creating a perfect study timetable is not enough. Stick to it every day. I know that studying for an exam is not an easy task, but you must persevere to burn the midnight candle.

Do not give up or try to encourage your laziness. It is far more fulfilling to pass your WAEC once and for all in one sitting than to rewrite the exam next year.

The time to pay the price for an excellent result is now. Make sure that you stick with your study timetable.

Read Your SSCE Notes

Passing your WAEC exam also requires you to read your SSCE notes. You must be aware of all you have done since SSS 1 till now.

Your notes will motivate you to study because they will aid in your comprehension while you read your textbooks.

Consult your old notebooks if you're having trouble grasping a topic. It will assist you in making things easier.

Read and Study

The only way to pass your exam with flying colors is to read and study. There are no other options. It's the only way to get straight A's in WAEC.

It's not enough to just read your notes and textbooks. To grasp the topics on the syllabus, you must read between the lines.

You wish to avoid difficult things because you are lazy. If you attempt it, you will have troubles on the day of the exam.

In the comments section, let me know what topics you're having trouble understanding. I'll give you some pointers on how to approach the situation.

Also, for more complex issues, watch YouTube lessons and Google for an explanation. Meet with your secondary school teachers to discuss your issues.

Some courses, such as mathematics and physics, may necessitate ongoing problem solving practice.

How to Read and Understand

  1. Read at a specific time every day.
  2. Attempt to solve the calculation questions in your textbooks and examples in class.
  3. Do not cram the calculations in your note or textbooks.
  4. Study your note and textbooks between the lines.
  5. Understand the concepts on a page before moving to the next.
  6. Do not check your WhatsApp and Facebook during study hours.
  7. Learn and understand the steps for calculations.
  8. Do not lie down when you are reading.
  9. Study in a serene environment with no form of distractions.
  10. Plan your study ahead of time.
  11. Use mnemonics to study that helps you to recall what you read.
  12. Create a perfect study environment.
  13. Do not read text aloud when you study.
  14. Suppress every feeling of laziness.

The reality is, WAEC Physics and Mathematics computations are not difficult. You must comprehend the fundamental premise of problem-solving.

After you've mastered the laws of mathematics, you can start solving problems. 

Practice WAEC Past Questions

The best approach to pass your WAEC exams is to study old questions and answers. Purchase a booklet of previous questions and answers.

As you practice these questions, you will gain a better understanding of how WAEC constructs their exams. The theory section of previous questions will assist you in understanding how to respond to essay questions.

Make the typical mistake of memorizing the answers from the previous question booklet. You should practice solving difficulties. The goal of the previous questions is for you to learn how to answer them on your own.

Previous questions and answer booklets with explanations for the answers are required.

Join A Group Study

Participating in a group study will help you prepare for the exam. WAEC group study occurs when a group of four or more students meets to study. Reading the syllabus and practicing prior questions are the foundations of group study.

A group study will assist you in staying on track with your exam preparations. Even if you feel like being lazy, the other members will encourage you to study.

One of the most typical issues with group study is that one or two members of the group may not be serious about learning.

It will have a negative impact on the efficiency of group tutorials. Withdraw from the group if you find yourself in this circumstance.

Look for students who are serious about passing the WAEC exam with distinctions once and for all. Do not join a group that will cause you to lose focus on your schoolwork.

A group study is not a replacement for your personal reading. The group reading should account for roughly 10% of your preparation time.

Your private reading is essential for you to succeed in your exam.

You and your group members should make a schedule and choose a day of the week to meet. You could, for example, decide to meet every Saturday at 2 p.m.

Practice WAEC Questions Online

It is vital to practice WAEC questions online in order to achieve A's in the exam.

On platforms like Myschool, you can practice WAEC questions online. WAEC android apps are also available on Google Playstore. You can also download the software if you have a laptop. Myschool WAEC Past Questions Software.

These tools will assist you in answering WAEC multiple-choice and theory problems. It will also assist you in answering inquiries in a timely manner.

It's important to understand that the WAEC exam is timed. That is, you must complete all questions within a certain amount of time. As a result, you must practice questions while keeping track of the time.

The trick to answering multiple-choice exams is to skip tough questions during the exam. Don't waste time answering a question you don't comprehend.

You would communicate with other students preparing for WAEC on these online forums. These links can help you prepare for the exam and enhance your confidence while taking it.

Attend WAEC Tutorials

Attending WAEC tutorials will assist you in comprehending difficult topics. Topics are explained simply in the tutorial centers.

During the school day, you may find it difficult to ask questions in your convention classroom. However, during tutorials, you have the option to request additional explanations.

Make certain that the tutorial you attend is exam-focused. Do not go to lesson centers where students flaunt the latest fashion and mobile devices. They are obstacles to your exam success.

Most secondary schools organize WAEC lessons for their students. You would be better off attending your school's tutorial.

Write WAEC Mock Exam

The WAEC mock exam is a preliminary exam administered by schools to students in preparation for the SSCE exams.

Mock exams are of the same caliber as the main SSCE exam. The mock exam follows the same format as the WAEC exam.

WAEC mock exams allow you to assess your level of readiness.

You would know your chances of passing the WAEC exam after the test based on your performance.

Make the common error of not taking the mock exam seriously. Prepare for and write the exam as if it were the final.

If you perform well in your mock exam, you will almost certainly pass your WAEC with flying colors.

Eat and Exercise

Eating healthy foods and exercising will assist your brain in remembering everything you read. Eat only healthy foods high in protein, vitamins, minerals, and so on as you prepare for your exam.

Consume no junk foods because they provide no nutritional benefits to your exam preparation.

Also, while reading, drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated.

Exercising for 30 minutes or more every day will aid in brain optimization. When you engage in physical activities such as exercise, your body loves it.

When you have the opportunity to exercise, I recommend that you develop a workout routine.

For students, it is preferable to exercise in the evenings rather than in the morning.

  • Eat fruits and plenty of vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay dehydrated
  • Eat food rich in protein like beans, eggs, fish, milk, etc.
  • Avoid junk foods.
  • Never study on an empty stomach.

Avoid Social Media Distractions

Avoiding Facebook and WhatsApp will help you prepare for and pass your exams.

Many students are easily distracted by these online platforms.

They rob you of your study time. As you prepare for the SSCE exams, you must learn how to block out these distractions.

Here are tips on how to avoid social media distractions while studying;

  • Do not check your mobile phones while studying.
  • Turn off push notifications for Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.
  • During the period of your preparations and exam, stay away from social media networks.
  • Do not pick up unimportant calls while you are studying.
  • Discipline yourself not to check your Facebook and WhatsApp for a specified period like two days or one week.
  • Switch off your phone while you are studying
  • Get a torchlight phone to answer important calls.

Believe in Yourself

The key to passing your WAEC exam is to believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.

Doubting one's mental abilities is a form of mental preparation for failure.

Do not berate yourself for being unable to attend the exam. It makes no difference if you do not attend the best secondary school in your state.

Failure can never be justified. Consider success with the limited resources you have right now.

Develop a positive mindset within yourself that you will succeed in the exam. This self-motivation drives you to study more diligently for your exams.

You are a victor, not a failure. Do not give up hope of passing your SSCE exam.

WAEC Exam Secret

The key to passing the WAEC exam is to study using the WASSCE syllabus. The key to academic success is perseverance. Tutorials are required.
  • Read your books every day
  • Practice past questions
  • Be confident in yourself
  • Seek help to understand difficult topics
  • Avoid social media distraction

The recommended textbooks for WAEC are materials that help you to understand the subject matter in the syllabus. Get these textbooks from bookshops around you.

You can check the different recommended textbooks on the JAMB Integrated Brochure and Syllabus Syllabus System (IBASS).

You do not need to get all the recommended textbooks for your studies. Of course, there is no way that you can read all of them before your examination.

Get at least one of the recommended texts for each subject. The textbooks follow the WAEC syllabus.

WAEC Study Tips

The best time to study for your WAEC exam is now. Even if you are in SSS1 or SSS2, you can begin to prepare for the SSCE exam.

Do not wait till your last class in senior secondary school before you start your preparations.

If you are currently in SSS 3, it is not too late to start your preparations. Draft out a study schedule that will work for you.


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